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Your Desires Requires Execution And Motivation (Dream)s are not limited!

What’s stopping you from moving forward? Your Desires Requires Execution And Motivation (Dream)s are not limited!

“No one really knows why they are alive until they know what they’d die for.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

Someone’s experience is someone’s dream, but the unspoken reality may cause a demise of your dream! ©️ 2019 LWB Butterfly 🦋

Was your dream taken due to unforeseen situations or did you stop DREAMING?

Why do we think we have to focus only on one dream at a time? What happens if that vision is interrupted by a situation? Do you feel like you cannot dream again? Well, I am here to say, that is absolutely not true. You just have to find a new dream, by digging deeper inside of you. Don’t let your unknown abilities stop you because of what you thought was the ultimate for your life. Dreams are simply a part of you. Don’t let your dream (Life) die because of one opportunity that did not fully develop. Keep dreaming because you are the dreamer of them all! Your dreams are unlimited, don’t be bound to just one!

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